Sunday, August 10, 2014

Manicure Routine: Part I

Hi all! I thought that today I'd show you my normal manicure routine.

These are the products I use on a regular basis and I found that they work very well for me.

I don't file my nails every time, unless they are too long for me. It's easier to do with nail polish on, since I can see my nails better and I am able to shape them properly. Once I've finished shaping them, I run the file vertically down the the free edge to seal them. (I learned this technique from All Lacquered Up.)

Once that's done, I remove my nail color (if I have any) with pure acetone. I know it's harsh and can dry out your skin, but I find it much easier to use. It's faster. Using a non-acetone nail polish remover would mean leaving it longer on my nails, which I'd rather not do.

I forgot where I saw this, but I have learned how to use only one cotton ball. I unroll it and cut it into little pieces. Then, I pour a little bit of acetone into a cap from an old remover bottle. I dip each little piece of cotton - don't need to soak it - in the acetone and then put it on my nails. I let it sit for about a minute or so, then take it off by swiping the nail polish off. It's pretty effective.

EDIT: I took this when I removed my latest manicure, so I decided to add it to this post.

After that's done, I take my Blue Cross Cuticle Remover (Sally's) and apply it to each nail. It's kinda difficult if you try applying it directly from the big bottle to the nail, so I cleaned out an old polish bottle and poured some in there. Makes it a lot easier to apply. Then I take my cuticle pusher and start pushing my cuticle back gently. It's metal and a little sharp. The last thing I want to do is start scraping my nail off, which is easy to do, since it is wet.

I wash my hands and use olive oil as a natural moisturizer. This is one of my favorite home remedies because it really leaves my hands leaving softer. (It was a godsend during the extremely dry winter in Kansas.)

I leave it on for an hour, then take some rubbing alcohol and gently remove any oil from my nail beds. My nails are now ready to be colored.

Click here for Part II!

How do you prep your nails for a manicure? Let me know!

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