Friday, August 22, 2014

Sporting Kansas City + Nail Art, Again

Hi all! I didn't get to rock my Cowboys nail art very long. There was another autograph session with Sporting KC players. This time it was with Graham Zusi (USMNT, #19; SKC, #8) and Toni Dovale (#9). It took place in Kansas City once again, at a Price Shopper.

I forgot this was happening, until Chris reminded me a few hours before we were supposed to leave. I had to shower, get ready, AND do my Sporting KC and US nail art! Needless to say, it was a rushed morning/early afternoon.

It was a mani under pressure. I didn't have the time to make mistakes, so I had to be very careful. It actually turned out well. I didn't get a picture of the whole manicure, and in case you haven't seen it, this is what it looks like.

Sporting Kansas City nail art

The only difference was that instead of a 5, I had a 19, and I had a 9 on my thumb.

We got to the autograph session and I asked the guys (who were totally friendly) to sign it.

Sporting Kansas City nail art

This is what happened:
Me: I was in a rush.
Zusi: In a rush? That looks really good!
Dovale: Oh, that's my number! Can I take a picture of it?
Me: Of course!

So yes, Toni Dovale, a Sporting KC player, asked to take a picture of my nail. I was absolutely flattered!

As soon as they were done, other people in the area asked to take pictures of my nails. Because of this, I didn't get to take a picture of them signing Chris' jersey, and I sure felt guilty. I convinced him to go back and get in line, and we each got a picture with them.

This is what my nails looked liked after they signed them.

Sporting Kansas City nail art

Sporting Kansas City nail art

I love that Dovale wrote his name on there. He seemed like such a sweetie.

I continue to be that weird girl going around, asking Sporting KC players to sign her nails.

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